Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It is Time to get My Health in Order

My baby boy will be a year old June 10th and recently I have realized that I have put myself last with everything in my life. I really should have realized it a while back, but I had a veil over my eyes. Before I got pregnant with my son I had lost more than 50 pounds by working hard. I started at 210 and went down to almost 150. My highest weight during my pregnancy was 205. Once my baby was born I lost 30 pounds. Some how I have been putting weight on a little at a time and I now weigh 186 pounds. This is affecting my health and my body.

In December I had a knee injury and I kept putting things off as far as getting back into shape. Thursday I had to go to the hospital with stomach problems and found out I have cysts on my ovaries as well as a few other problems. This has really given me a wake up call. If I could just lose 20 pound it could dramatically decrease my knee pain and my stomach issues. These problems are really affecting my life. I am now on pain pills for these issues. I hate taking any medicine, especially with a toddler running around the house.

It is time for this single mommy to get her health in order. I have put together a plan to make some serious changes in my diet. I want to lose a total of 50 pounds. The last time I did this in five months, so I know that it is very achievable. I am very motivated at the moment and I want this change. My health and my self esteem has been jeopardized by my lack of taking care of myself.

All moms need to remember that if we do not remember to take care of ourselves, we will not be able to take care of our children. It's funny how big of a difference it can make in there lives if we are healthy. I do not want my son to have to take care of me when he gets older. I want to be able to go on adventures with him when he is older.

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