Thursday, April 7, 2011

Worried About Being a Good Mommie

The last couple of nights I have been worried about how I am going to do at being a mommy. I ask myself questions like; How am I going to support my child? How am I going to explain his father to him? How hard is it going to be to work, go to school, and be able to spend time with my baby?, and many more questions. I know that I am going to make mistakes, all moms do. I am just hoping that I can get it all together without letting my boy down.

I think it may just be the first time mommy jitters, and being single does not help. I am so thankful for the support of my mom through all of this, she has helped me so much. I am going to take everything that she has shown me through the years, and take care of my baby the best way I can. I can't say I know what I am going to do, but I know I have been shown how to be the best mom by a very special woman. My mom made mistakes, but she was still great.

Everything happens for a reason, and I honestly believe that my baby is a blessing from God. He is the reason that I am pregnant, and he will guide me to do what is rite.

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